"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." ~Alan Lakein


Wills and Trusts

As we rush through our day, it is very easy to leave our estate planning for "tomorrow."  If something should unexpectedly happen to you, the last thing you want your family to endure is a court battle over your assets or who should care for your minor children. A simple will is not very time consuming or expensive. Make your wishes clear now while you are able and provide both you and your family peace of mind.  Contact us for more information on how to put your desires for the future in writing. 

Medicaid Planning

If you believe that you, your parents, or a disabled family member will need Medicaid in the next ten years, you may have questions about what to do with the house, the car, the retirement fund, the savings account, an inheritance, or other assets to best prepare for the Medicaid application. 

If a family member already has Medicaid or Disability benefits, you may wonder how to best provide for his or her care in your estate planning without negatively impacting his or her benefit eligibility. 

If you or a family member has been denied Medicaid or Disability benefits, you may want to know more about how to appeal the denial. 

Navigating Medicaid can be be stressful.  Set up an appointment to see how it can be made easier.